AAR's, Mods, Chat forum - All you need to continue your GCII experience!
Published on March 16, 2006 By Drengin In Game Talk
As a few people have asked for this i thought i would assist

The Keyboard Shortcuts for GCII: -

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on Nov 08, 2007

I agree... there should be a "continue along current path" button on the interface, represented by an arrow or something...

I definitely agree. And with usage of the Escape on closing windows too. But I don't think it is necessary to customize keys. GC2 is no FPS.
on Nov 12, 2007
love to see a "focus all" hotkey in the planet listing, for those times where you want to speed build improvments, or boost research etc.
on Nov 12, 2007
love to see a "focus all" hotkey in the planet listing

That could be a real drag for big-game players in the event of a fingercheck. Unless it comes with an Undo, which I seriously doubt is plausible in the GC2 engine. Maybe there's room for a new button set, or perhaps a mouse+key function like a CTRL+click.
on Nov 13, 2007
love to see a "focus all" hotkey in the planet listing

That could be a real drag for big-game players in the event of a fingercheck. Unless it comes with an Undo, which I seriously doubt is plausible in the GC2 engine. Maybe there's room for a new button set, or perhaps a mouse+key function like a CTRL+click.

Aye, is what i was thinking, specifically for the Large/gigantic galaxy crowd.. there are times such as when you get industrial sector/discovery sphere type planet upgrades where having to click on 40+ planets on the screen becomes a bit hard on the eyes.
on Nov 14, 2007
Is there any way how to quickly change the planet (or ship) sorting? There is a lot of fields one can use for sorting present and using arrows is very slow. I was not able to find any other way.
on Nov 19, 2007
using arrows is very slow

I've long wanted that sorting control in the mini-list to be a dropdown. The fact that it takes so much clicking to change sort order means I usually just leave it set to the social production list and use it to find things to rush build.

If you haven't used the Colonies list in the Civilization Manager much, give it a try. It doesn't have as many sorting options as the mini-list, but all you have to do to pick is click a column heading, and click again to reverse the order.
on Jun 01, 2008
I am new to playing the Galactic Civ series,although I have played the "earth-based" series(CivII-CivIV) for years,I only recently decided to give outer space a try and purchased the Dread Lords.My question is this:compared to the "earth-bound" Civ games,the keyboard lay out and short cuts of Dread Lords seem counter-intuitive,ergonomically unfriendly,and rather functionally mediocre.Do the expansions to GalCiv have better keyboard short cut functionality or are they just as substandard as Dread Lords?Is there any website that has a diagram of the expansion's keyboard short cut layouts?As much as I like Dread Lords,the lack of a quality keyboard short cut layout makes the interface tedious.For example, the short cut"esc" which closes some open windows but not all,furthermore,"esc" may work for some one right-handed,but is awkward for left-handed players.Basically,the Dread Lords interface is such a step down in quality from the games I'm used to playing that it's a real dissapointment.If the keyboard lay outs and functionality are superior in Dark Avatar and Twilight of the Arnor,I will quit playing Dread Lords and simply purchase the expansions.Otherwise,as much as I liked my introduction to the Galactic Civ series,I will return to planet earth and deal with simplier issues like Ghengis Khan or Napoleon.
on Jun 01, 2008
justaguess, I don't believe there have been any major changes to keyboard functionality for the expansions, at least none that I use, and I resent almost every time a 4X game makes me reach for the mouse.

However, I strongly encourage you to give the game a bit more time since you've paid for it. I share most of your frustrations, but I find the underlying game play to be worth the excess effort. The quality of the computer opponents alone puts it almost in a class by itself.
on Jun 01, 2008
For the most part the Keyboard shortcuts are the same with a few new ones for new features in the expansions(example: L for launch direction from a planet in DA). I had played for a few months before using them myself, but now I use them constantly. I'm just glad for the ones that are there, I have seen plenty of games with much less. There is a Keyboard Shortcut Card .pdf somewhere around, but Kryo would probably have to point to it since I can recall where it's link was posted.
on Jun 02, 2008
There is a Keyboard Shortcut Card .pdf somewhere around, but Kryo would probably have to point to it since I can recall where it's link was posted.

It's on the wiki's keyboard shortcut page.
on Jun 03, 2008
Thanks,all,for the info
on Sep 30, 2008

Stupid question:

Ctrl P has been added for the planetary governor - are there are *other* new keys added to 2.0?

I'm playing with SVG and using it to create what I think is (With apologies) a better keymap, as a stepping stone to another project. - I have an almost up to date awaiting evaluation; but don't want to miss anything obvious.

Thanks - Jonnan

on Nov 02, 2008

A continue current path key/button would be brilliant, especially in those fleet and freighter moving times (i hate having to constantly zoom out and zoom in just to see the end of the autopath). So i third/forth/fifth that one

Another thing i would like to see is a little manager that would allow you to group planets because in the larger maps sorting all the ships to be constructed and the focus and the building upgrades etc. takes a lot of time (even with the colony manager) and will only really apply to planets near an event etc. (some quick cheap fighters in the 'group' closest to an invasion and some big counter-attack monoliths in those further away).

But on the whole i like the way most of the commands are set out, although a feature to re-bind would be brilliant (especially when you have programmable buttons on your keyboard)

on Nov 04, 2008

A continue current path key/button would be brilliant

Yes, you are quite right. This would be the brilliant addition.

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